Section-I (Classical) | |
Aristotle Longinus |
Poetics On the Sublime |
Section-II (Modern) | |
T.S. Eliot Frye |
The Tradition and the Individual Talent Anatomy of Criticism (Special emphasis on chapters on myth criticism & modes) |
Post- Structuralism
Psychoanalytical Criticism
Primary Texts
Terry Eagleton's Modern Literary Theory
Virginia Woolf's A Room of One's Own
Reading List
Philip Rice and Patricia Waugh (eds) 1989/2001 Modem Literary Theory
Arnold Michael Levenson (ed) 1999. The Cambridge Companion to Modernism, CUP
Terry Eagleton 1983 Literary Theory: An Introduction
Basil Blackwell, Rich Rylance and Judy Simons (ed) 2001 Literature in Context, Palgrave
Todd E. Davis and Kenneth Womack (ed) 2002 Formalist Criticism and Reader Response Theory, Palgrave
Sara Mills, Feminist Stylistics, Routledge, 1995.
Helene Keyssar (ed) 1996 Feminist Theatre and Theory, New Case Books, MacMillan
Jonathan Culler 1975 Structuralist Poetics. Routledge & Kegan Paul
Paul Hamilton, Historicism, The New Critical Idiom, Routledge.l996
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